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    Chinese commonwealth 結果共3筆

  • Beigang Wude Temple goes beyond cultural IP

    In a move that heralds the fusion of tradition with cutting-edge technology, the Beigang Wude Temple in Yunlin has become a beacon of digital transformation within the realm of traditional temples. The temple has broken new ground by integrating CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for customer management and embracing the latest in AI innovations. With more than 8 million annual visitors, it exemplifies how sacred spaces can offer continuous spiritual engagement through online prayers and lamp lighting, accessible around the clock.
    2024/02/26 18:33
  • 觀點/台灣傾獨所以難接受一個「中國人的邦聯」

    日前在台北舉行的「亞太千里論壇」邀請到新加坡前外交部長楊榮文,以「一個新加坡人視角下的兩岸關係」為題發表主題演講。楊榮文在演講中明確表示,如同新加坡總理李光耀認為兩岸統一是不可避免的趨勢,台灣和大陸進行統一談判「寧早勿晚」,因為台灣還可能為自己爭取到一個更好的結果。在此認知的脈絡下,楊榮文呼籲台灣以「一個中國人的邦聯」(Chinese Commonwealth)來詮釋「一個中國」,作為導向最終和平統一的漸進式過程。
    2023/09/15 15:13
  • Fmr. Singapore official mulls answers for cross-strait peace

    Singapore’s former Foreign Minister, George Yong-boon Yeo, mulls the possibility of a "Chinese commonwealth" to establish future cross-strait relations on Wednesday (Sept. 13).
    2023/09/13 19:16
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